Forkopimda urge people to obey ‘mudik’ ban policy

MAYANGAN – Probolinggo Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin urges people to obey the rules recommended by the government not to go ‘mudik’ (exodus) this year. People caught going to the city area will have to undergo antigen swab test, and if declared positive, they will be quarantined at the low-cost apartment, one of the quarantine facilities in the city.

This was firmly stated by the mayor while leading a morning roll call, as a preparation to respond to the government’s policy not to go ‘mudik’ on Monday (26/4) at the headquarters of the Probolinggo city police unit. The joint roll call was also carried out to check the preparedness of the joint personnel.

“We urge people to support the government’s policy by not going ‘mudik’. Let us together prevent the possibility of a COVID-19 spike,” said the mayor.

Following a circular letter Number 13 of 2021 on ‘Mudik’ ban during Eid al-Fitr 1442 H and Efforts in Controlling COVID-19 Transmission during Ramadhan month 1442 H, as of April 22nd to May 24, 2021, ‘mudik’ has been officially banned.

“All personnel are ready. We hope things will go as planned. The policy is carried out to save us all (from the coronavirus). Please, understand the situation. Keep your family safe,” Habib Hadi said.

To support the policy, the Probolinggo city administration has involved personnel of the Transportation Agency, the Public Order Agency (Satpol PP), and healthcare workers from the Health Agency, supported with rapid-test facilities at the checkpoints to speed up the detection process.

Probolinggo city Police Chief AKBP RM Jauhari added, the restrictions will be carried out both at the provincial level and city/regency level. In the city, the restriction will be carried out in two spots including the Muneng exit toll and Tongas Rest Area, involving Indonesia Military TNI, and Probolinggo city/regency administration.

“It will be a joint team. We will conduct the regulations based on the national recommendation, to ban people from going mudik and to impose restrictions, to control the spread of COVID-19,” said the police chief.

The local police have prepared 380 personnel, supported by TNI and the elements of Forkopimda. AKBP RM Jauhari stated, mudik ban has been widely informed to religious figures, public figures, related institutions, and broadcasted on a radio station. A rapid test will be carried on any violators of the policy.

“Rapid test with a positive result will be handled by the Health Agency. On people with negative results, we will make them turn around and go home. We urge people to stay at home as the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended yet,” said the former police chief of Tanah Abang.

The roll call was participated in by the city police, TNI, Satpol PP, Transportation Agency personnel. On that occasion, a joint prayer was also carried out for the victims of the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine. (alfien_tr)